Originally from Belgium, passionate about sports, and holding a Master's degree in Physical Education and Motor Sciences, I exchanged Belgium for the French Alps 10 years ago. Active as a coach and trainer in the field of leadership, communication, stress management, and resilience within companies, I thrive in all the sports that the mountains offer us. Canyoning is a true passion of mine that I can't wait to share with you! Plus, we can tell stories in French, Dutch, English, and even German!


Passionate about sports, I started studying sports at the age of 14. In parallel, I practiced judo intensively, obtaining my black belt around the age of 16 and my second dan around the age of 18.

My studies led me to pursue a Master's degree in Physical Education and Motor Sciences at the renowned University of Ghent. Here, I specialized in training high-level athletes, especially in judo, using video analysis of movements, training programs, and mental training. I then achieved the highest level of judo coaching certification in Belgium.

During this period, my interest in mountain activities grew. What started with self-sufficient mountain hiking led to mountaineering, ice climbing, and rock climbing courses. I became deeply involved in a climbing club, and around 2009, I became a certified federal climbing instructor. Later on, I also became a certified federal canyoning instructor (2014).

The mind has fascinated me since I was young, and its importance became even clearer during this period. I decided to delve deeper into mental coaching, leading me to Paris for a year of coaching training. I obtained the Master Coach diploma, recognized by the state and at RNCP level 1. This also took me to London, where I furthered my knowledge in NLP.

Thus, my professional journey led me to coaching and training in companies, specializing in leadership, communication, and stress management (resilience).

Canyoning has always been a true passion of mine, and obtaining a professional qualification was a natural step. The most important thing is to live and share the passion! Because above all, we must enjoy ourselves!

Obtained Diplomas

  • State Diploma in Canyoning Instruction
  • Master's degree in Physical Education and Motor Sciences, specialization in training high-level athletes
  • Master Coach (Paris)
  • NLP (London)

Other Sports Diplomas

  • Judo Coach Level A
  • Federal Climbing Instructor
  • Federal Canyoning Instructor
  • Lifeguard
  • Black Belt & Second Dan in Judo
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