A Dedicated Canyoning School
The need to create high-quality training has led us to establish a dedicated canyoning school: stage-canyoning.com.
Stage-canyoning is a team of two state-certified instructors: Sven and Mathieu. Passionate about canyoning, we want to share our knowledge and transmit this passion to as many people as possible. Concerned about your safety and enjoyment, we will be attentive and responsive to your needs.
Each of us has a specific area of expertise. By leading the stages together, we have developed a comprehensive educational program. Additionally, we can adapt our teaching based on the level of each participant, with groups of 3 trainees per instructor or 6 trainees with 2 instructors.
Our Educational Program
Whether you are a beginner, experienced, or practice in a club, we have tailored options for everyone through our 3-level educational program. Step by step, you can progress from being a simple participant to becoming a true expert in the discipline. For this, we rely on an individual progression book, with competency objectives that you can acquire at your own pace.
- Level 1 : In this level, you will learn techniques for progression and simple rescue to enable you to practice canyoning without instructors in canyons with a rating not exceeding 3.3.3. The stages we offer at this level are: stage eau’tonome and stage découvert’eau.
- Level 2 : This level will allow you to acquire the skills to engage in more technical and challenging canyons with a team at your level, up to a rating of 4.4.4.
- Level 3 : Become an expert! Here, we offer different modules focusing on themes such as whitewater progression, techniques for large verticals, or rescue techniques. You will train to venture into all types of canyons!
Quality instruction and follow-up
Stage canyoning is committed to providing you with an exceptional adventure!
- Lots of practice time thanks to a ratio of 1 instructor for 3 trainees or 2 instructors for 6 trainees.
- Evening theory classes to broaden your areas of expertise.
- Personalized follow-up thanks to the progression book that we will provide you on the first day.
- Post-stage follow-up through online conferences. We will stay in touch to continue providing guidance and answering your questions.
- A human adventure of sharing unforgettable moments.

+33 6 49 48 04 88
© RAS DE L'EAU - Sven Van Cleemput - 2021-2024