Gorgette Craponoz

It's hard to find even more vertical thrills. Craponoz is a legendary canyon in the area. It's famous for its abseiling... 120m down a spider's thread! A majestic abseil submerged in a light rain from the waterfall that disperses in a rainbow. Magical!

Here's a place where you'd better not be afraid of heights. This is an outing with strong vertical sensations, with abseils of 60 and 120m. After a 10min shuttle, we attack the canyon after a 10min approach. A first series of abseils to warm up. Then we find the first big obstacle: a double abseil of 60m, a beautiful technical sequence. A few abseils later, the view opens up... for the grand finale of 120m! A 10min walk takes us back to the car at the bottom.

Informations Pratiques

Difficulty: Extrême

Duration: full day

Walk in: 10′

Walk out: 10′′

Gear provided by us: Neoprene wetsuit, neoprene socks, harness with double cowstails and descender, helmet.

Gear to bring: bathing suit, towel, dry clothing, sports shoes (no sandals, open shoes or flipflops !), optional water bottle and energy bars.

Price: 130€ per person. 120€/person for a group of minimum 3 people.

+33 6 49 48 04 88

© RAS DE L'EAU - Sven Van Cleemput - 2021-2024